Sadness & Depression



Depression is often characterized by having a depressed mood or a loss of interest over a period of two weeks or more. Other symptoms of depression and sadness may be weight loss or gain, insomnia, fatigue, loss of concentration, feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, or thoughts around death.

Depression is associated with a visual representation of a person that is sad and isolated from the world. Depressive symptoms are very common and often go unnoticed or untreated. Many individuals can find themselves in denial of their depressive symptoms because they occupy their time with work or other activities to avoid the feelings of isolation, sadness, shame, and guilt. When symptoms such as an increase or decrease in sleep, significant changes in mood, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite, and intrusive thoughts of self-harm are present for several months, it is considered to be Clinical Depression. Depression can affect individuals of all ages and can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Antidepressant medication is also often associated with depression. This can be essential for some individuals with severe cases of depression and can also be beneficial with mild to moderate cases. However, many individuals try to evade their emotional responses and look for a fast solution. Talk-therapy is not fast. It takes effort to process trauma, triggers, and negativity. At Given Guidance, we believe that there is a place for medication, but that it is imperative to first explore a medication free approach.


Sadness has similar symptoms to depression but can be less substantial. Although sadness may not rise to the level of depression, it can also be a legitimate reason to seek counseling.

Being sad or depressed can leave you feeling lonely and isolated. You don’t have to experience this alone. As your therapist, I will listen, empathize, support you and do my best to understand your experiences. We will also work on identifying alternate thinking strategies and challenge cognitive distortions to promote balance. Together we can work through your experiences to help you rediscover hope and purpose.