Sober Curious

sober curious

Sober Curious

Alcohol, along with other mind-altering substances, are ever present in our society today. It is commonly suggested that the only way to enjoy life is to get drunk or high. Many also seek to gain acceptance by continuing in the cycle of repeated consumption and don’t know there is a way to escape the expectations of society. Being sober curious is focused on the idea that your alcohol and substance use does not have to be influenced by society.

At Given Guidance, we invite individuals to come and explore how their drinking and using affects them. This is an accepting environment where anyone who wants a safe space to talk about their substance use can come and share their experience, without any judgement. Maybe you’re interested in wanting to know more about how depression and anxiety can be linked to substance use. Maybe you want to practice abstinence for a period of time to see how it feels. Maybe you just want a place to talk about your relationship with substances and you haven’t found the right place yet. Given Guidance is here to help.